Glorify Our Creator!

How to Glorify Our Creator in Your Website

As an Ambassador for Christ, my whole purpose here on this earth is to Glorify my Heavenly Father! Jesus came to earth to teach us this.

You don’t need to have scriptures or biblical statements to have a site that is pleasing to our Creator. But you do need one that:

  • is honest and not deceptive,
  • doesn’t utilize slimy marketing techniques that create unnecessary urgency, or false hopes
  • is not self-promoting, but instead promotes the good that is produced by the self who is behind the site (i.e mission, person or organization).
  • positively promotes products and services especially those that are pleasing to our Creator,
  • praises the audience instead of degrading them
  • shows appreciation to visitors, customers, audiences

And if you’re courageous enough and want to include scriptures, that will of course be even more pleasing to Him that we willingly serve! It’s your choice!