New Website Setup & Build

A core foundation to a site designed and built by Praise Worx is the layout.

Prioritizing your visitors needs on your page utilizing the right layout will help your visitor stay only as long as they need to respecting their time, while also maximizing dwell time assisting in SEO rankings.

There must be balance!

Consider reading and understanding these core principles of website design that are implemented when Praise Worx builds your new site or revamp your old.

PraiseWorx will provide a layout design for your website so that it

  • holds the attention of your viewers,
  • provides at a glance the information that your viewers need most to make the decisions they need to make, such as:
    • Hire you!
    • Connect for more information
    • learn from you
    • become a frequent visitor
    • pay you

Most importantly the finished product should be pleasing to our Creator!  😇

Free Hosting & Domain

FREE first year managed hosting  and domain name registration.

Customized Site

Basic site build & setup customized to your business and marketing needs.

Attention Holders

Stunning Graphics & Strategic Animations

Community Creation

Basic start to building your community by strategically setting up comments.

Community Nurturing

Continue community and following growth with basic newsletter integration.


Get found in searches with basic initial SEO.

Build Your Corporate Team

5 Free Branded Email Accounts