Migrating Site to Subdomain

This works if it is a subdomain or a new domain name provided the content will remain the same.

For my situation, I wanted to preserve some sites to show them off, use them as a sites portfolio, so the only thing that was changing was the domain name. The domain name would be changed from mycoolsite.com to mycoolsite.praiseworx.com.

This is an inexpensive way to preserve your work as a web designer because the subdomain is free. And if you have unlimited hosting then that won’t need to be an additional expense either.

While a simple backup and restore seems to be the obvious answer it is not. Restoring the database will have all reference URL’s pointing to the old domain not the new. You will leave the old database intact and have the new wordpress files point to it.

This also only works while the original domain is still active and not expired.

Yes the easiest way to accomplish this is via Softaculous cloning process. Create the subdomain first. Then from the Softaculous admin page (Word Press Manager By Inmotion in left navigation bar) select the clone icon. In the clone interface simply select that subdomain from the dropdown menu.

It’s all done after that. I mean done! Check that menus all work, check that links all work, check that media is all there. It just works!!

Happy Praizes!!